
howdy ya’ll!

i’m excited to say i’m writing this in Guatemala, and what a blessing the past couple of weeks have been! With ending our ministry in Jay Bay with bittersweet goodbyes through tears and laughter, onto our two day traveling to finally arrive in Antiqua Guatemala, and topping it off with PVT week (parent week!!)

It has been so full and so busy but through the colors, goodbyes, new hellos and old ones, the Lord has been so good in it all!

Our ministry in South Africa concluded with a different ministry our second half of our time there. I know mentioned this a little bit in my last blog.

Our boy’s teams were in Lesotho for a month, and we got the opportunity to fill in the role they had at their ministry spot in Jay Bay. The school we worked at was called Pellsurus, and each of my teammates got to assist a teacher in their classroom, with the grades ranging from 1st grade to 5th grade. I got to help out in a first grade class! I love how the Lord gave me first graders again, this classroom reminded me so much of my Thailand class!

Sometimes kids ministry looks like a pointer stick in one hand and a chalkboard in the back, the sounds of vowels being traded around the room in excited voices. Sometimes kids ministry looks like eager high fives next to shy ones, rock paper scissors and handshakes. The rhythmic clapping and slapping turned to laughing, sort of like a language that reaches in a place where maybe words can’t. Yes sometimes kids ministry just looks like being a friend. And sometimes, (aka this time!) kids ministry looks like cutting out worksheets with little orange scissors and swiping a cherry red check on math homework. All while sitting next to a cluster of my four desk pals, swapping smiles in between their lessons. One super fun fact about me is that i’ve never been one to be able to finesse the fine art of cutting in a straight line. it always ends up with more wave than the African ocean. ha.

BUT i can proudly say by the end of the week i have progressed in my cutting abilities, so if you need any squares to be cut send them my way please and thank you.

One of our goals for our time at Pellsrus was, along with connecting with the kids, building connection and relation with the teachers there. My teacher’s name was Mrs. Smith. She leveled order and detail hand in hand with kindness and simply a real blooming eagerness to grow the learning of her kids.

Everyday after class Mrs Smith had a green broom hanging on the wall that i would take down and use to sweep the floor. The scraps of the colors she showed them that day, the sounds of the vowels she taught them to say and the clicks of instructions directed all swept into a pile, and onto a lamenant paper that was used as a dustpan.

It was at that time in my day that i got to have conversations with her, seeing more of the window outside of her role as a first grade teacher at Pellsrus.

She told me she has been a teacher for 30 years! Her siblings are also teachers, and her kids are in college! Jay Bay is her hometown and where she grew up, and she’s never gone outside of Africa, but she said she would love a chance to travel to the states!

This is most likely going to be her last year before she closed that chapter of her life. i feel so blessed to have had our paths cross at this time and have gotten to know her and learn from her. I am so thankful for my time at Pellsrus, and how the Lord moved in my friendship with Mrs. Smith and the kids.

annnnd now we’ve made it to Guatemala! When people would ask me about the countries i was going pre race i’d always list them off in order, Guatemala being the last one on my list and seeming so far away!

and now i’m here! Time feels like it’s flying!!

What i’ve gotten to see of the country from the past two weeks of PVT (parent week! which was so awesome! Go aimee!) and our debrief week (todays the last day!) it has been so beautiful and colorful! We start our ministry tomorrow, and i’ll give you guys more of an update and details on that as we go, please keep my team in your prayers as we begin!

As you guys know i am still in the process of being fully funded, and i am so close!! Because of your guys’ generosity i am at 90% currently!! Praise God!! I am so grateful for how he has moved in this process. I currently have 10% more to raise ($1,525), and would be so blessed by your support and prayers if you feel led! I am so grateful for all the support!!



Thank you for reading this blog and following along! I will be sure to keep you guys updated as i continue on my journey here in Guatemala! Last country of my race! woah!

praying for you guys!

hugs! maddie!