
The door is open you just have to take a step inside….


The time we had in Eswatini was wonderful. From Eswanini to South Africa, straight to debrief we went. We got to stay at this gorgeous hostel called Crazy Dave’s, a tradition of  World Racers. On our last day of debriefing our squad leader, Khurry had us close our eyes, to fully immerse ourselves in this image, and she read us a story…


“You’ve been on a long, wandering journey (days maybe even years), carrying all your luggage you come up to a welcoming cabin. You see that there are two rocking chairs on the porch, and you quickly realize that one of them is for you. A man is standing on the steps waiting for you with a relieved smile, that seems to say ‘I’ve waited so long for you to get here.’ You slowly walk up to the cabin and the man greets you, taking your bags from you, speaking so softly and gently. He sets your things in front of the door. You look at the front door and realize that it’s a perfect outline of your body shape, made for you. JUST you, empty-handed.” Will you enter?? 


Khurry has us take a couple of minutes to envision the rest of the story in our mind, letting the Lord use us and our imaginations to show us where we are in the house. I ended up drawing an image/picture and writing a little paragraph about it. 


Let me paint you my picture…


I walk up to the porch still with everything in my hands and on my shoulders. I can feel my big pack being lifted off my back and set on the ground next to me, I can’t move I’m almost paralyzed, not in fear but in shock that this man is being so welcoming and kind. This house has a familiarity to it but I’ve never been here before. I don’t wanna go inside yet so I turn around and look at all my things on the floor, there is so much baggage, I look up at the man tears streaming down my face. He grabs my hand and we sit on the steps talking about my life and how far I have traveled. After a while I’m ready to go inside, he went before me and is now in the kitchen. As I walk through the me-shaped door I feel a sense of supernatural peace. The smell of freshly baked cookies and fresh flowers hits my nose. The house has a very open floor plan it’s all white, very minimalistic, and peaceful. The living room has a big wall of books. The dining table is big and wooden, that sits in front of two huge French doors that are wide open. It was warm like a midsummer day. He had the cookies and a pot of tea on the table next to the vase of beautiful flowers of all kinds. We both sat at the table and talked like we were old friends. It was amazing! 


Never once did I look back at the door and my stuff left on the porch. That’s where I dropped it and that’s where it’ll stay. The house that is resembled in this story is God’s house if you didn’t catch my drift. I encourage you to try this exercise and see where you are in the house. 

Where are you in God’s house??