

 I think what the Lord has been teaching me lately is still about His love and faithfulness, and I hope I continue to learn more about my whole life, but I’ve been learning a new side of what love really means lately.

 When someone tells you they love you of course you think about it, but do you really grasp the depth of their words or even think it’s true? But when someone tells you everyday that they can’t stand you and that you have failed in their eyes, you definitely think about it. In fact no matter how strong of a person you are, it starts to consume you and make you doubt your identity.

“Who would love someone like me?” “Am I really a failure?” are some questions that might attempt to flood your firm foundation, and your faith. They are certainly just a few of the questions that have been running through my mind lately, because if I’m being perfectly honest I haven’t felt very loved. I thought I did, but then I came to an ugly realization.

I texted a good friend the other night, and had one of the most ridiculous conversations of my life. It basically entailed her attempting to be a matchmaker for me and it going dreadfully downhill. But in that, it made me really think.

If someone actually told me they loved me in person, if they spoke those words to my face, would I believe it? And I came to the realization of no. Even more discouraging was the fact that I don’t love myself, and I haven’t truly been embracing what God has called me to. Isn’t that sad?

But He sees us in our sorrows, and He picks us up to stand on a firm foundation! And I was reminded that if I only keep trusting in His love, He will show me everything I still need to learn in due time, and that truly is beautiful.

I guess this blog is sort of a what has the Lord been teaching me and a so long Africa post. I loved Africa deeply, probably more than I’ve ever loved a place before. The people there loved me deeply as Christ loves His Bride, and that’s pretty deep. I learned, in return, to love the people and relationships I’d formed there deeply and it was certainly hard to leave.

In 1 Corinthians 13:13 it says, “So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”

If you get nothing else out of this blog, remember that the earth and everything in it shall pass away, but the word of God shall stand forever-and His everlasting love.

Blessings in Christ,
