
‘I want you grounded in me. I want you so firmly cemented on me as your foundation that no matter where you go, when you go there, why you’re there, and who you are there with- you will not be shaken or confused or moveable.’



Where is your home

What about that specific place, person, group of friends and family designates them as your home?


“The place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household,” is the Oxford Languages definition of home. In other words, a permanent residence in which membership cannot be revoked or rebuked. 


The common concept, object, person/people, and even the persona and characteristics of this permanent residence differs for each individual. It could even seem ever-changing from season to season as we begin to grow up and attempt to process life outside of our normal understanding. This makes life feel flimsy. If we are left without a foundation or one filled with cracks and holes, the lie that our lives are unimportant and purposeless have a wide-open, unhinged doorway available for their access to our hearts and minds. 


As the Lord and I began the journey towards The World Race, He prompted me with questions and thoughts surrounding what I identified home with. He gave me peace that He knew that I knew WHO I was following, but I needed to be careful about WHERE my roots were growing, WHERE I was grounded. 


Over the course of the final few months of my time with Passion Leadership Experience, He transferred my life as if it were an oak tree from the grounds that I had poured my heart and soul into and planted me (all that I am and all that I have) in Him. 

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, 

whose trust is the Lord. 

He is like a tree planted by water, 

that sends out its roots by the stream, 

and does not fear when heat comes, 

for its leaves remain green, 

and is not anxious in the year of drought, 

for it does not cease to bear fruit.”JEREMIAH 17: 7-8


He cared too much for me to be grounded in places, people, and things that He knew would inevitably pass. That regardless of whether or not He led me there, kept me there, or if I led myself there, He wanted to make sure that no matter what, where, who, how, or why I was anywhere doing anything with anyone at any time I would be consistently and constantly without lack of a foundation. He wanted me standing on Him, He wanted me grounded and rooted in Him and Him alone. 


This did initially contradict my beliefs of the local church and community and all the things that I loved investing in and receiving investment from, because aren’t we supposed to love God AND love people? But He was quick to reveal that just because I am rooted in Him doesn’t mean that I am isolated from His Church. Honestly, it means that I am even deeper in the Church than I ever have been.


So, if my home is located, made up of, and occupied by the Lord God Almighty, then where could I go that my permanent residence would change? I reside IN the Lord, and I get to live WITH Him!


With every new morning I get to wake up with His breath in my lungs, I get to choose to run as fast as I can back into the arms of my Father who has already run most of the way to me. I get to choose to feast and to dwell in and to be clothed and covered by my Heavenly Father. 

“And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, 

his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. 

And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. 

I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’

But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring quickly the best robe, 

and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet. 

And bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate.

For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.’ 

And they began to celebrate.” LUKE 15: 20-24


give these songs a listen // 

The Prodigal” – Josiah Queen 


“My Promised Land” – Josiah Queen 




prayer requests // 

– physical healing and health for all of our teams

– peace and strengthened hope in the midst of anger, distrust, and hopelessness 

– salvation and revival in Isiolo, Bungoma, Mombasa, and Kitale 

– I.H.O.P. (Isiolo House of Prayer) and New Dawn Ministry

– deep rest and safety as we sleep 

– endurance 

– for His Will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven!

– continued prayers for everyone on my squad to reach the fundraising goal and to be fully funded!

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