
There is a beautifully colored leaf stuck in between the pages of my journal that I found on the porch steps. And a photo of the Georgia sky, lined with trees and pink clouds, from the other night as my phone background. My head has been repeatedly turned by every bush, beetle, weed, blade of grass, bird, and butterfly this past week, I just can’t help it. I have been completely captivated by the way God shares little pieces of his beautiful mind with us through His creation. I have noticed how He takes time to intentionally plan out every detail in nature, and I am not capable of anything except sitting at his feet in awe, gazing at Him starry-eyed, feeling closer to Him than ever before. But despite how intricately He designs every vibrant leaf and beautiful sunset, He puts more thought and care into creating us!! Matthew 6:28-30 says, “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin…But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you”. GUYS HE IS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!! He created YOU!!! He breathed life into YOUR lungs so that YOU would exist so that He could love YOU!!!!! And know YOU!!!! He is just too sweet! 

Anyways, you are all probably wondering what in the world I have been up to besides falling more in love with Jesus every day. Well, here is a run down of my schedule. Every morning we have either team or personal devos. Here is a photo of my sweet sweet team. 

Afterwards, we have breakfast (YUMMM THANK YOU SERVE TEAM) and then we head to worship/session/squad time. We have been learning so much about who God is, how to further our walk with Him, and just preparing us to leave the country. After that, we head to lunch on the dining deck which is always so much fun!!! Here are some photos of me and my friends enjoying time together during our midday meal…

After lunch, we do team prayer for 30 minutes. It is so peaceful to get time cut out of our schedule just to sit with the Lord and talk to him. Then we will have free time or maybe another session, it just depends on the day. Finally, we have dinner and campus clean up (WHICH IS ALSO SO FUN WHOOHOOOO) and then just hang out until we hit the hay. 

Long story short, I sleep on the ground in a tent with spiders (that are actually so scary and are out to get me and chase me down)(not actually they are kind of cute), but I am oh so happy!!!!!! I love the people I am surrounded by and can not wait to see what the Lord has in store for the next 8 months!! 

I also hope to keep y’all updated about 3-4 times a month with testimonies and stories about what is going on in my life. I hope y’all enjoyed reading, and if you have questions or just want to chat, always feel free to reach out to me!!!! I love you all so so much! Talk to you soon 😉

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