
As we enter March already, our squad wanted to share an update about our time and ministry in general from being here in Guatemala! ~

Here’s a slightly more detailed recap of this past week for me and Team FROG:

House of prayer training
– Monday: House of Prayer meeting in the morning, with house of prayer/worship training directly afterward; post-lunch meeting to determine plans for English classes on Tuesday, and travel back to the mountain

Teaching English to 1st and 2nd grade
– Tuesday: Teaching English in the local village school in the morning (after a 45 minute hike up the mountain) – Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd, 3rd and 4th, and 5th and 6th grades!, and soccer practice/house visits in the afternoon

Moving rocks
– Wednesday: Travel to Patzún where we got to do a women’s Bible study before spending time moving materials to help with the house we’re helping Dar Para Dar build. The wife of the family we’re helping build for has been so sweet and made lunch for us after we finished this task!

Taking bark off logs

– Thursday: Working on Prayer Mountain – cutting trees and bringing them up the mountain so the fence can be expanded, removing the bark from said trees, and digging more of the road out

Mountain View
– Friday: Much-needed sabbath rest day! I spent lots of time in the Word and finishing the book Live No Lies (thanks for the recommendation, Kaity!!) and made some food for myself and the team

Lake Atitlán
– Saturday: An adventure day/weekend spent traveling to and exploring Panajachel, a town on the coast of Lake Atitlán!

The Lord has truly been so kind to us here. It’s crazy to think we only have 2 more weeks of ministry left in Guatemala! I’m excited to see what He has for us to learn and participate in with Him in the time we still have here. ❤️