
The Lord has blessed me with an opportunity to serve in Italy while studying abroad this upcoming fall semester through the World Race.

How did this come about?

As I was finishing up my senior year, I was stressed about choosing the “right” college. I have a desire to study nutrition in hopes of becoming a licensed dietician for collegiate athletes, but I also want to enjoy my college experience. One evening, as I was in a coffee shop, the Lord placed it on my heart to explore the World Race- a tab that had been open on my computer for half the year. As I looked into the World Race more and prayed, I knew this was how I wanted to spend my first semester!

What exactly does this look like?

In Italy, I will be moving around several cities such as Rome, Follonica, Bologna, Florence, and Sorrento. While traveling around Italy, I will have set aside time to study in the morning and will be participating in various aspects of ministry every day. Not only will I be in several cities doing ministry, but I will also be hiking between some of the cities listed and staying in host homes!

Currently, I have about 9 others on my team traveling with me this fall. My team and I will not only grow our faith individually but also together as we share the gospel in fellowship.

Join me in prayer!

Prayer is needed as I prepare to enter a new country with my team to serve the Lord and see His hand over all that is done. Prayer is also needed for health, strength, and for the Lord to move in His mighty ways! If you feel led to join me in prayer over this experience, I would appreciate it! Along with prayer, I will begin fundraising to cover costs for the trip, therefore if giving is on you heart I have a link listed below where you can do so. I will continue to update this blog with all the Lord is doing as the trip begins and continues, so stay tuned!

With Love,

DONATION LINK: https://adventuresinmissions.servicereef.com/events/adventures-in-missions-3/24r09it-fall-study-abroad-italy/participants/taylor-boals4