
what does it mean to fall in love?

in movies and books, we see people falling love all the time; their hands get sweaty around the person, they mix up their words, truly everything goes wrong.

when a person falls in love, all senses are out of wack and people have no control.

during February, the focus is on romantic love and all that it entails. this month I have learned what falling in love with the Lord looks like.

unlike the media portrays, when I am in the presence of my Savior, I am not a mess of words and awkwardness. if anything I feel quite opposite. a rush of peace floods my body. sitting in His stillness and rereading His promises brings delight and comforts to me.

when I read the Word, the thought that keeps popping into my head is how the Bible is a powerful love story.

a great hero is so in love that he risks it all, His power, His glory, His throne, for the one He loves. and in the end, the hero is victorious over evil and spends forever with His love. happily ever after, the end.

the Lord is love. read that again.

the King of the Heavens and Earth is love. and He loves me.

in the moments of homesickness, break downs, sunburns, broken feet, disunity, I am still loved. like a parent loves their child in all situations, the Lord has wrapped His arms of peace and patience around me. and better yet, He has brought other children of God is remind me of His love. whether it’s a teammate or a teacher, they have been quick to give a verse or reassurance of God’s faithfulness in His love, reminding me how consistent His love is.

in the words of my leader, Kara, how then shall we live?

if God loves us so much, what should I do?

well I don’t know about you, but I am going to sit and bask in His love. I am going to let it wash over me. and I will keep reminding people of His love.

I encourage you to do the same. because I love ya;)