Throughout all of the experiences I’ve had throughout these first few weeks, the Lord has been teaching me the meaning of home. Home is where the Holy Spirit dwells. Where God is present, I have been able to find familiarity. I went into this trip craving discomfort, but it is quite a learning curve not having anything familiar around me. I may not have a fancy shower, easily accessible drinking water, or toilet paper, but I do have the love that Christ provides and it is amazing to me how fulfilling that is. I am filled with peace, love, and joy not because of the opportunities I’ve made for myself, but because He is with me through it all.

Our main host is really pushing the love the community has for each other and for us as missionaries. The Cambodian people have so much compassion. The teachers and students have welcomed us into their classrooms, the soccer players have brought us into their team, a  local family invites us into their home twice a day for home cooked meals and heartwarming fellowship, and the community allows us to join them for worship despite the cultural differences and language barriers. I am so grateful to be here and cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for the next few weeks in Cambodia.

And yes, the food is beyond amazing.

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