
The end has come. Our squad has officially left our final ministry location and is making the journey back to America. 6 countries. 11 months. 11 months of uncomfortable, challenging, beautiful, life changing moments.

Our time in South Asia was busy in so many ways. Whether it was ATL at our home town, serving at local schools and recovery centers, traveling to schools and churches in the mountains or visiting nearby villages, there was a lot of change and moving around.

To provide protection and privacy to our friends here I won’t be going into further detail, but this country was filled with so many special memories and truly an amazing host. As we served we were served and as we blessed we were blessed.

I learned so much in these last few weeks. I spent many hours early in the day in a room alone on campus singing and praying to God. That space was where God began revealing more truth to me and further softening my heart.

We have 3 final days in this country to adventure and site see and are flying back to Gainesville, Georgia on Friday. We will stay there for a final week together as a squad debriefing and learning how to move forward in reentry. Processing the last 11 months and the new beginnings will take time as we are welcomed back into our home country. There will be many tears as I hug goodbye to the once strangers who have become close family but I know the Lord will be with each of us as we go our separate ways.

As for the future, on July 26th I will land in Texas and spend a few days with my sister and her husband! Then I will return back to San Angelo as I prepare for what God has called me to next. I am so excited to be reunited with my church family and people back home! I hope to travel back to Gainesville in September to volunteer with the serve team as the next World Race squads launch, but the time is to be determined as I will be gaining a nephew sometime that month! Be on the lookout for another blog soon. I am more than excited to share what God has called me to next!