
We’re 3 days away from training camp!!

The last few weeks have been full of packing up, preparing for the World Race, and saying our goodbyes to friends and family.

We moved out of our apartment on Saturday so things are getting more and more real. We’re staying with family for a few days and will begin heading down to training camp on Friday! We will be in Gainesville, Georgia at Adventures in Missions (AIM) base for about two weeks of training, starting on Saturday, before we leave the US. Our first destination outside the US will be Kenya!

At training camp, we will have lots of team time, individual time with God, worship, and various trainings to prepare us for what we might expect on the field. We’re so excited to begin this journey that we’ve been praying for and eagerly waiting for for over a year!

We are 81% funded, which means we only need to raise $7,000 before we’re fully funded!!! We’re blown away by the ways that God has already provided over $30,000! We have faith that He will provide the remaining $7,000 as well!

A lot of people have been asking the best way to stay in contact throughout the year. We will have our phones but will not have internet so will only be using them when we have wifi. The best way to stay connected is through this blog, our social media (we’ll be posting the most pictures there), or through WhatsApp. We’d love for you to reach out whenever but just know that we may not always be able to respond in a timely manner!

THANK YOU! We’ve felt so loved and cared for by the people in our lives as we’ve prepared to go. We’re so grateful to have the support that we do!

As we are in the final days, please be praying:

  • for safe travels as we are traveling quite a bit this week
  • that all final preparations would come together for us and the rest of our squad
  • that we would create intentional time to be with God
  • for God to provide the remaining funding

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