
Hey, my name is Emi Wayman and this is my blog detailing my adventure with the World Race! I am going on a 3 month missions program to Guatemala and Nicaragua.

A week ago I arrived at training camp in Gainesville, Georgia. I was so nervous and sad saying bye to my parents but I know the Lord is going to use this trip to mold me into who he wants me to be. I am so excited to see how the Lord uses me during this time. I hope that you will follow along through my blog and get a glimpse into my journey with the Lord and my travel adventures!

My hope coming into this trip was that I would be pushed out of my comfort zone, deepen my relationship with God, and to build community with my teammates. It’s only been a week and all of these prayers have already been answered, thank the Lord! I can’t wait to see how he continues to answer these prayers throughout the next few months.

Living here is definitely different than living at home. It took a little bit to get accustomed to. My squad is sleeping in tents and pretty much living in the woods. Never would I ever have thought I would be so happy to have a shower. I am grateful for random things that I didn’t think I would be. Like laundry machines, dish washers, and plastic baggies, ice, cofffffffeeeeee, air conditioning and showers.

Thank the Lord for this experience. To learn how to live with less resources, it really is changing my perspective on my life back home and humbling me!

I am so thankful for this opportunity and I can’t wait to go out on the field and love on people and share the gospel! If you feel led to support me in any way, I would so appreciated it! Pray for my squad as there are a few battling sickness and fatigue. Pray for safety as we travel. Pray for continued pursuit of the Lord. Thank you so much! Also, I am still fundraising for this trip. I am currently only $1,300 away from my goal! Please support me financially through this link https://adventuresinmissions.servicereef.com/events/adventures-in-missions-3/august-2024-world-race-explore-3-months-guatemalanicaragua-24r09ca/participants/emily-wayman

Thank you so much!

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