
Where do I even begin? These past two weeks have been filled with Jesus in so many different ways. God withholds no good thing from His children; He truly is faithful to those who are faithful to Him. The Lord becomes more and more real every day, and the more I learn about Him, the more I want to be like Him. The Spirit moves, The Spirit guides, The Spirit leads. He is more than good and worthy. Anyways, let’s transition into the part where I actually tell you about my life…

My days have been super, super busy, but all the more productive. I spend the whole day with my squad which is so good because it grows our bond and unity so much! We start all of our days off with team devotion and 7:45 and then transition into breakfast right afterward. We will then go into worship for about an hour (which I absolutely love), or we will go into a teaching on either preparation for being out on the field, or how to further our walk with The Lord. Once we wrap this up, we will then go into team time, lunch, and then team prayer. Afterwards, we have some free time, and then we wrap the day up with another teaching, more time together as a squad, and then dinner! I’ll usually relax from my day by journaling, praying, or calling some friends (which I also absolutely love!) Yes, I know this is very brief, but if I were to explain all things in detail, you would click off of my blog as a result of me talking your head off. So in this case, less is more!

Now let’s talk about the good Lord Jesus! He has been transforming me, for a lack of better words, so much. It has not been easy, but it has been more than good. Many, many tears have been shed, but that’s what happens when Jesus tears away at what the world has put on you for 18 years. My mind is being renewed! I think differently, look at the world differently, I process differently; I am being molded into the image of My King! I now want to please Christ and not Thomas; I am learning to be obedient to The Spirit and give my yes to God’s desires and not my own. I am being taught how to walk righteousness and not foolishness; the cross is being picked up and Thomas is being put down! He has also been growing me in reliance on Him. I am giving up control that I once craved; I am taking my hands off of the things I desire and allowing God to have his way with the things that I care about the most.

I am so blessed by my community here! Being around people who seek the face of The Father before all else has such a big impact on my life. Being able to pray, discuss The Lord, worship, and build each other up in Christ is more than a blessing! Everyone here has their gaze fixed on The Creator, so I see Christ all around me all day. My leaders, squad mates, and the staff bear the image of God, and I learn so much from them!

God is providing so much in my fundraising as well! It requires a lot of trust in The Lord, but through this process, my faith and reliance on The Lord is growing so much. I am currently around 40% funded right now, praise God! Staying in prayer over this and again, trusting God for His provision.

Oh, and, not to mention, because it’s not really a big deal, and I don’t really care that much, because it’s really not super important, but… WE WON SQUAD WARS 2024!!! L SQUAD ON TOP PRAISE JESUS!!!

Me and the squad just went on our first evangelism day Friday! I love ministry! It is so life-giving and so amazing to be used by God in ministering to His children! It has made me so ready to keep going more, and I’m ready to go do more for Him!

I am also on my squad’s worship team! I have been wanting to step into leading worship for so long now, and The Lord has given me my heart’s desire! I am so excited to spend the next 9 months learning how to work in the worship field, and being able to lead other believers in praising Jesus’ name! There are six of us on the team, and my role is singing, guitar, and keys!

Other than what has been mentioned, I have probably been spending time with Jesus, growing relationships with my new friends, or messing around and making memories that will last a lifetime!

Well, that is all for the first blog. Until the next one, I’ll probably be giving myself up to Jesus and spending time with those around me, while learning more about The Lord and how I can be molded to bear His image! What a blessing it is to be here. I pray that God will continue to chase you down, and as a response, you give your entirety to Him continually! Praise God always, come quickly, Lord Jesus!

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