
Hey guys!! 

Wow, what a first couple weeks! First off I just want to say how blessed I am with my squad. Not gonna lie I think we have the most fun group of people haha. I feel so supported by everyone here and we are all going through the same thing which also brings us closer. We all had to say goodbye to our families and “old life” and now we are all together. 


These living conditions are not what I expected at first haha. We are all living in our own little tents and we have to fit all of our 9 month belongings in a 70L backpack. CRAZY! I am an over packer so I struggled haha, but we are getting through it. We also have to use a water jug and plastic table to get ready in the morning. Oh my gosh, I can’t forget to mention the SPIDERS! I have a fear and disgust for spiders and they are everywhere! As a matter a fact there is a spider warning happening because there are so many. You look up in a tree and BAM there’s a massive yellow and black spider (Joro spiders). Anywayss, living out of a tent and not having access to a lot makes me take everything I do have for granted.

Spiritually I feel like my faith is being broken and built up at the same time. One of the biggest ways I feel super connected with the Lord was through worship songs. We worship here about twice a day but its songs I don’t know or its very repetitive. I am praying to the Lord for focus for him. Sometimes during worship a lot of people pray at the same time and I can get lost in my own thoughts. Right now I am really trying to focus on him and what he’s trying to tell me. Discerning and hearing God’s voice is also something I am struggling with. A lot of my squad mates have very strong spiritual gifts and can very well hear the Lord and see things. I am so glad for them but I can get blinded by looking what they have instead of trying to focus on the gift God gave me personally. 

Overall its all going pretty well! I miss home sometimes and the “luxuries” of life, but I am growing closer to everyone here and most importantly understand and growing more in God.

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