
YA’LL! Wow, God is just sooooo soooo good! This week has been filled with so much craziness due to this change in my life, but through it all, God has continued to be so generous and loving! Coming into this week, I was filled with anxiety and honestly questioned if I was even in the right place. Constantly overthinking my choice for being here in the first place. But God has really shown me the beauty of Him through my new God-Fearing friends, amazing leaders, and the beautiful community that surrounds me. 

Now… let’s get to the dirty stuff MUAHAHAHAA. The city-girl in me has had to be put to rest due to the new lifestyle I have been given. For the next 4 weeks I will be fully depending on porta-potties (yum), bucket showers, and clothing lines to hang my “clean” clothes on (not fully convinced it’s clean…).

Although camp is nothing like I could’ve ever expected when it comes to every day hygiene. It has helped me to not take the small things for granted. Even when my body feels as though I might drop dead, God still provides me the strength that I need. ANYWHOOOO, that’s all for this week! I love each of yall sooo much and can not wait to tell you all about the new things that God will do throughout these next 9 months! MWAH

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