
We are absolutely loving Cambodia! Team harvest is living at a school of about 1,000 students in the upstairs of their gym area. There is a beauty to Cambodia that I just love. The people are so very kind and there’s not a whole lot around, but it’s beautiful. I love when the sun is low and there’s just dirt everywhere and kids running around. We have a unique opportunity at this school- it’s a government public school. We arrived and were basically given no usual schedule or plans or anything to share the gospel. Officially, we’re here to teach English in classrooms. On our first day, we got handed an English book and on the spot, had to figure out how to teach the lesson. It ended up being so fun! But coming to this school, I had the desire to share the truth with people. Now, how to do that in a public school? I started praying and just asking God for opportunities- for Him to start moving in people and opening their hearts to want to receive Jesus. Many many people haven’t heard the gospel and we have Jesus who saved us from our sins! God is showing me the beauty of not being ashamed of the gospel. Truly, I’ve been saved. Why would I ever hold back from wanting others to have this too? I feel really blessed that God has put us in a spot to shine his light. There are teachers, students, and others who I know God is working in. The harvest is ready and the workers truly are few. There are many who God is calling home and there is a great need for people to disciple others!! In an English class this morning, our team actually got to do a whole worship set and share the gospel! I’ve also been blessed to meet a really sweet friend who is 17, and she is a gift from God. I am getting to see the power of God at work in her and see as she falls deeper in love with him. Every night, our team has been turning on worship music and spending time worshiping having a dance party with Jesus in the gym. Last night, she joined us wanting to worship God too. She asked, “when can I worship God? Do you only do it at night time like tonight? In the morning?” I said, you can worship God at any time of any day wherever you are. She went, “really!?”

These worship nights we do are like my favorite part of the day. It’s just me and God! I’ve been praying, “God, just lead her heart to you. Call her.” When I looked over to her, just to see her hands open, loving and worshipping God as her own, I lost it. She is just a gift from God to me to see him at work in her. I love watching other people be captivated by God. Yesterday at school she said, “I brought my Bible. Are you free? Can you teach me?” We all sat down for two hours and started diving right in. She is so hungry. We read all over!! We spent some time on the woman at the well and then watched the scene from The Chosen. Definitely cried for that one. She went, “wow, God is amazing.” It’s just been such a beautiful time. And today we’re jumping right back into the Bible. I’m so excited. So be praying for conversations, opportunities, open hearts, and energy and health for team harvest haha. God is moving in Cambodia and in the hearts of team harvest!

Thanks for reading, and I’ll be working on a recap of Vietnam blog as well as one on the crazy travel fiasco from Vietnam to Cambodia that went down!

