
Hey y’all! This post is late (I am sorry), but we have SO many things to unpack. 


But, let’s just dive in…


We landed in Medellin, Colombia on January 25th. The flight was amazing. My team and I got the privilege to talk to a wide variety of people while traveling to Medellin. One of the most interesting conversations we had was with two gentlemen who were a part of the Church of Later Day Saints aka Mormons. It was interesting to learn more about what they believe in and also be able to share what we, as Christians believe in. 


We are working with an organization called Ciudad Refugio. “This place was born from the need to offer a solution to the problems that have marked Colombia for decades: family violence, forced displacement, lack of government assistance, drug addiction, and internal armed conflict. In this context, the foundation set out to provide immediate and effective humanitarian aid to those who do not have access to government coverage and need a light of hope.” One of the most eye-opening things we do at Ciudad Refugio is go to a place called the Bronx. In Colombia it is very dangerous for the homeless to be alone at night, so they all come to a place called the Bronx. Ciudad Refugio has been going to the place for over 2 years. They hand out bread talk to the people and offer them solutions to get help if wanted. It is a beautiful experience, but also really sad. The people in the Bronx are drug addicts, dealers, prostitutes, and so much more. It was sad to see the children that God died for SO controlled by satan and the world. However, I love that Ciudad Refugio sees the need to help the less fortunate, because for a lot of churches, we never experience being uncomfortable, and God never called us to be comfortable. 


One thing I am learning is how to Sabbath the way the Bible tells us to. I think there is a major difference between being lazy and resting the way the Lord intended us to rest. My squad leader said this quote, “ We need to rest cause we will never be satisfied as humans cause we are not perfect and nothing but being with God eternally will truly satisfy us. So God created the sabbath for us to stop and rest and abide in Him. To remember our first love and our source.” The words “abide in Him” get me every time. It doesn’t say to abide in social media, movies, etc… but to abide in Him!!!! I am still learning how to rest in the Lord, but aren’t we all? 


Something I am constantly reminded of is, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.” Psalm 46:1-3. This life is not easy, it is going to be difficult, but that is why we NEED to lean on God!!!!


Lastly, if you could pray for boldness in me and my squad. Boldness to not be scared to share the Gospel or to be “offensive” but boldness to be obedient to what God is saying. 


Anyways, I have to go eat breakfast now!!