
Wow guys, this week has been filled with so much craziness as I try to settle in to my home for the next 4 weeks. Who would have known that in just 7 days I would make beautiful God centered friendships, and meet some of the most amazing people who I will be spending the next nine months with. I look around and I just feel so much love for my community.

Some of the adjustments I’ve had to make from my normal day to day life have definitely been tough. I have to use the bathroom in Port potties which has not been my favorite thing. We get to take showers in a shipping container twice a week, and as someone who likes to shower everyday, this has been a difficult adjustment, but luckily we get to take bucket showers (YAYYY) which basically means my fellow squad mates get to help me wash myself of using a cup and a bucket. But thankfully we have washing machines! Just kidding no we don’t, we have to hand wash our clothes using two buckets, one with detergent and one with water to rinse, then we get to hang them up on a clothing line and wait a day for them to dry. This may sound bad but, I actually have been enjoying this new lifestyle, and it has made me become grateful for the little luxuries I have back at home.

I have grown so much in my faith and understanding in God this past week. God is truly SOOO good and SOOO big. Seeing how much He has done in just seven days makes me so excited to see how much He will do in nine months! He has truly revealed so much to me this week, and I’m growing more and more in my relationship with Him everyday. Thank you Jesus for the most amazing friendships, and community, and thank you for giving me everything I need! I love and miss all of you at home and cannot wait to take you guys on this journey with me!

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