
Exciting news! We’ve completed our work at the warehouse, a task that probably takes one man months to complete. Kendall, our ministry host, initially hoped we could finish before our departure. With a total of 17 days for ministry, I assured him, “Don’t worry, we’ll finish with two days to spare.” Through God’s gift of perseverance and strength upon the team, we successfully unloaded a 20-foot container, unboxed and sorted numerous books by genre, repacked them into new boxes, and stored them in a new container—all accomplished with 6 days remaining!

During the weekend, like every other, we have one adventure day and one Sabbath day for rest, to sit with the Lord, draw, journal, and engage in activities that bring us peace. For me, these days are a chance to relax, enjoy tea, journal, and create art. On Saturday, I went coffee shop hopping with a fellow racer and friend, Alyssa. Despite not being a fan of coffee, I always opt for a good matcha or tea and occasionally sample different coffees. Below are some cute photos from those coffee shop visits and a glimpse into how I spent my Sabbath:

The following day was my adventure day. This was a fun day! We got to see elephants! We went to this cafe where you could feed the elephants and even get hugged by one of them! I didn’t realize how dirty elephants are… But It was awesome!This cafe was up in the mountains so after some long windy roads and a little mountain climb in the truck we arrived!

That evening, a few of us signed up for an awesome Thai cooking class. We had the opportunity to choose from various dishes, so I decided on coconut soup, pad Thai, paneng curry, and mango sticky rice, all while sipping on a glass of refreshing lemon Thai tea. It was an amazing experience that included a farm tour, collecting fresh eggs, cooking alongside unfamiliar faces, and assisting a 6-year-old next to me who was handling a large knife he wasn’t familiar with. We also sat down with these six other strangers to chat, share stories, and learn about their lives and journeys to Thailand. To end the night, I had the privilege of praying over everyone during our final course!








Last but not least, I got to celebrate my birthday with not only the 14 people I am currently living with but I got an awesome surprise from team valor ( the other group of 8 girls) whom are staying 2 hours north of us but came up for the day! In the morning they kept me away from the rooftop while they not so quietly brought the girls upstairs and set up all the decorations and set of confetti cannons as I walked through the door! Later that day after ministry they surprised me again with more confetti cannons, ice cream cake and a game night! If you ever get the chance to go on a mission trip to Thailand and your birthday falls during that time- DO IT!




Our ministry will continue in the ActsCo book house until mid week next week as we sort more books and help reorganize the shelves! I can assure you, I will be bringing more books home than I have room for.

I am so grateful for each and every memory that has come from this trip. It has been amazing to see God work through me and this amazing team of mine. I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything. If you’re reading this, you have been a contributor to making this trip happen, so thank you! 🫶🏻

Ko Hi Mi One Ti Di! (not a common phrase in Thai but it means Have A Great Day!)