Hey everyone!
5 days until launch! I seriously can’t believe that in exactly five days, I will be sleeping in my new home (a tent 😀) in Georgia! It’s going to be an adventure, that’s for sure!
I AM FULLY FUNDED!!! First off, I want to share an incredible fundraising update! With all of your contributions and monthly pledges, I am now fully funded!!! Thank you all for your unbelievable support! Throughout my fundraising process, I have been blown away by the extreme generosity and support shown towards me! I am truly so blessed to have this community surrounding me and cheering me on all through this journey! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I can’t wait to see what God will do!
Final preparation time! With less than one week left at home, I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get everything ready in time! Way too many Amazon orders (and returns 😂), Target runs, and REI trips later, I am finally very close to being packed! Last weekend, I turned our backyard into a camping site and practiced setting up my tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, and pillow! I am ready to roll!

Saying “see you later.” Unfortunately, the time has come for me to say goodbye, at least for 9 months. But, I am reframing the scary “goodbye” into something a little bit less intimidating: “see you later.” The reality of being away for so long is definitely starting to sink in, and preparing to leave has been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. But, with each hard “see you later,” I know that there will be so many new “hellos” awaiting me this year! As I navigate all the challenges that come with leaving, I am learning that God is my EVERYTHING and that I can lean on Him. He is my comforter, provider, protector, father, and friend. God is calling me to further lean on and trust in Him.
Some sweet final moments at home! One blessing that has come out of saying “see you later” is special, quality time with the people I love! Here are some recent moments and memories I’ll cherish as I launch!
Early Thanksgiving dinner! We made a traditional Thanksgiving feast so we could all celebrate together!
Special time with all of my grandparents!
A spontaneous trip to the waterpark with my dad!
Lots of fun coffee dates with my mom, sisters, and friends!
A fun adventure to Joshua Tree national park, playing Spikeball at the beach sunset, and a day trip to LA!
Praises! Here are some ways God has been so faithful and kind to me lately!
- I am fully funded!
- Such sweet and special time with family and friends before I leave!
- Finished packing (mostly😅)!
- Time and space to reflect and prepare not only physically, but also emotionally before I leave!
Prayers! And now some prayer requests! Please keep me in your prayers as I head off to training camp! Here are some specific things that I would love if you’d join me in prayer for!
- A sense of peace and comfort as I say “see you later” to everyone at home!
- Safe travels to training camp!
- Smooth transition into life at training camp!
- Fast friendships and connections with my squadmates!
- Openness of my heart to allow God to move in me and to deepen my relationship with Him!
- Preparation of both my heart and the hearts of the people I will be ministering to and serving this year!
I am so thankful for each of you and your support in this journey! Thank you for being here!
Much love,
Alia Hartwig