
I AM FULLY FUNDED!!! I am so so so happy to announce that as of yesterday I am fully funded for my trip!! I truly cannot thank everyone enough for their help in getting me to this point and I am so lucky to have people in my corner that can support me through this journey. 

I was fortuanite enough to have received a grant from the Steve Sallee Endowment Fund from my home church, Cokesbury, that finished my fundraising for me!! I feel like I talk about Cokesbury all the time but if I haven’t been able to tell you about my church yet then let me fill you in…

Cokesbury is a second home to me. Senior year alone I’ve spent (around) 50 Wednesday nights at Cokesbury, hearing the gospel, with most of the nights ended in me and my small group staying later after the service to all hangout with the Joshes and Manna. I have seen God move tremendously throughout Cokesbury this year alone and through this church I have been able to make my faith my own. I really couldn’t imagine how my walk of faith would look without Cokesbury. I’ve grown up hearing Cokesbury’s ‘motto’ of Love God, Love People, Spread Hope, and as I look forward into this new phase in my life I hope to carry that with me and live it. 

There’s been so many different times my parents have had to drag me out of bed to go (mostly middle school me)  or I’ve gone in my sweatpants, but no matter how I enter the building I always leave a better version of how I entered. I always feel seen and welcomed at Cokesbury, and as I leave for my trip, I know that I have a community in my corner thanks to Cokesbury! 

T-25 days until I’m off to training camp!! LET’S DO THIS!!