
Life has been a bit of a whirlwind since we committed to the World Race (WR). We’ve finally told all of our family, friends, church, and made the announcement on social media. I (Adrianna) have also told my bosses and coworkers. Getting the word out to everyone has made it become more real.

We’re only six months away from leaving! It feels so far away yet time seems to be flying by at the same time. In the next six months, we hope to continue building relationships here in Cincinnati. We also are planning some trips to visit friends and family that are not local. There’s a lot we’re trying to pack into these next six months so we could use your prayers for wisdom, discernment, and trusting in God to lead us and cause everything to come together in the way He has planned.

Fundraising is the next biggest time commitment in these next six months. Right now, we are 28% ($11,090) fundraised! Praise God! We still need to raise $27,310 but are really trusting that God is going to provide in these next several months. Thank you to those who have been praying for us and have already donated! We are so grateful for the prayers and encouragement we’ve received and are praising God for being 28% funded. God has surprised us in many ways already and we’re so excited to see the ways that He will continue to provide for us and grow our faith on this journey.

Speaking of fundraising …

We’re selling t-shirts! All of the profits from the t-shirts sold will go directly into our WR funds. If you’re looking for a way to support us AND get a cute shirt, then look no further! We’d love for you to buy a shirt and tell your friends/family to buy one too!

The shirt design is based off of James 1:2-4 which says, “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”

We chose this shirt design because we have found it so encouraging in this season. We’re approaching a very exciting season, but with that we’ve also been facing many trials. These verses are such a good reminder to seek joy in God in the midst of both good and hard times. It’s through trials and suffering that our faith is tested and therefore made stronger. Our suffering draws us closer to Jesus and makes us more like Him. We also know that in our trials and suffering, God is glorified. So we hope these shirts will be an encouragement and a reminder of that truth for you and others when you wear them!

Prayer requests:

  • for God to provide people to partner in praying for us and giving financially
  • for patience and trust in God through the unknowns of support raising, leaving our jobs, going on the race, etc.
  • for us to remain present even as we anticipate this exciting journey

We know so many of you have been praying already, so thank you. We’re hoping to gather a group of people who are committed to praying on a consistent basis for us and our team, both now and while we’re on the race. We plan to create a group email or message where we would send you specific updates and prayer requests. If you’re interested in being a part of this prayer team, please let us know.

We love you and are thankful for each one of you! Please let us know if you have any prayer requests for us. We’d love to be praying for you as well.

Adam & Adrianna