I’d like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for your presence here, for your generous contributions to my mission trip, and for your enthusiastic willingness to engage with my calling to serve the Lord in another country.

Initially, when I answered God’s call, I was filled with fear. I feared I wouldn’t obtain the necessary support, that people might decline to assist, and that fundraising would prove an overwhelming challenge. Well, let me tell you “Wherever the Lord Guides, He provides” (Isaiah 58:11).

Thanks to the Lord’s guidance and your unwavering support, I’ve managed to raise $5,000 because of your support!

From the depths of my heart, I extend my deepest appreciation for your belief in me and for accompanying me on this journey as I prepare to graduate college and embark on this mission.

Your continued prayers are greatly cherished and welcomed as I embark on this transformative endeavor.