One of my many temptations in life has always been video games. I never thought to make the effort of thinking what life would be like without them. That all changed the other day when I had the random urge to get rid of all my gaming systems that were distracting me and use that money to help fund my trip. I expected a giant deal of regret afterward but only felt great satisfaction. My mother was against me at first thinking I would feel the same regret until she remembered (Mathew 19:21 NASB) – Jesus said to him, “If you want to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” This quote has helped me realize the great value of what I have done and how much closer it will draw me to God. Thank the Lord for this wonderful conclusion and I hope it motivates all of you as well. God Bless!!!