

I feel slightly bad for manipulating your feelings, but it is funny. Anyway, the point is I am living in Gainesville, Georgia, now. Enemy territory, but don’t worry, I bleed orange.

A week ago, we had a squad reunion. This was good. There was almost a sense of relief around being with people who understood. It was like I could finally breathe again. And I don’t think this is necessarily fair to you, reader. (Assuming you aren’t a part of X Squad.) When I was home, I felt incredibly alone. I don’t think this is anyone’s fault, but no one understood what had just happened to me. Even if you read every blog and called me once a week, you don’t know what the humidity feels like in Cambodia or how hard the wind blew on top of the mountains of Lesotho. But my squad does know these things, and Israel knows these things. And this isn’t good or bad. It is just a fact. I am incredibly appreciative of the time I got to spend back home with everyone and the relationships I got to continue building. But it doesn’t negate what I was feeling.

In other news, I mentioned in my last blog that I started Bible study in Knoxville. It went well. I think we had a lot of consistent good conversations. The last Thursday that I was there, we had our normal meeting, but only two guys came. I was super discouraged. Usually, we had about 7-10 guys there. I wanted to say goodbye to everyone and encourage everyone, but only two of them were there. So we rounded out Collasians for about 30 minutes. Then, we had the best conversation for the next 3-4 hours. God used the smallness of our group to allow the guys to truly get vulnerable and express what they were thinking and feeling. And I was able to give them what wisdom I had. These guys are upperclassmen in high school and are continuing the bible study and inviting anyone who wants to come. Continue to pray for them as they try to hear from God and lead everyone younger than them.

In other news, I start my discipleship program tomorrow. I am excited to continue to be poured into by people older and wiser than me who have walked through different stages of life. Hopefully, God will continue to use me to impact Knoxville or wherever else he calls me.

I live in a house with seven other guys who have all done the race before. This has already been super good. Something I learned this summer is that it is incredibly hard to follow God consistently without a community holding you accountable. Everyone in this house is pushing each other to the same goal, which is to look more like Jesus.

Thanks for everything. This was a quick update on where my head has been and where it is now. Now that I am back in a routine, I will be more consistent in blogging.

Also, I am still fundraising for CGA (the discipleship program). Pray about it, and if you feel led, here is the link.


Love you all. Thanks for everything.

-Drew McKinney