Good evening! It’s late at night and I should be going to bed but I am feeling so overwhelmed by the goodness of God and the generosity of His people that I felt I needed to write a blog post. God has continued to show up in ways that I didn’t even imagine as possible or probable and I have felt so loved by Him. Today I am almost 25% funded for my mission trip. I haven’t sent out support letters yet, and the donations that I have received have been almost entirely from people who just felt called or inspired to support me financially. I have been blown away by this and if you have supported me financially or prayerfully – THANK YOU! Tears have come to my eyes tonight as I have seen how God has shown me His goodness and faithfulness by using His people. Raising financial support was one of my main concerns as I signed up for this trip, and I was prayerfully considering signing up for a shorter trip, partially due to the difference in price. Fundraising isn’t something that comes naturally to me, and I have never been in love with the idea of asking people for money, but I knew that I couldn’t pay for this trip with my own resources. This was something that I needed to surrender to God and give Him room to provide. My mom bought me a book called The God Ask, and as I have been reading through it, my mindset on fundraising has shifted. I’ve begun to realize that asking for financial and prayer support isn’t about me. It’s about God and who He calls. A majority of the people who have donated to me so far weren’t people that I expected to donate to my mission trip. It has been so incredibly humbling as I am realizing that God is calling other individuals to support me in what He has called me to do. GOD IS SO GOOD!! Something I have been struggling with is my desire to control the things in my life. In the past few months, God has been teaching me so much about surrender. When I realize that He is in control and that He is guiding me and watching over me, I feel freed and blessed. Giving up my self-imposed limitations has allowed me to see God work in amazing ways. Anyways, that’s about all I had to say. God is so incredibly good and I am finding rest and blessings in His peace and His provisions.