
San Antonio Auguas Calientes – 03/16/2024


At ministry one day, the boys kept doing this drill poorly. They would pass it back to me with half effort or completely miss and force me to run after the ball again and again. I wanted to rebuke them and say “pasa aqui! Mas duro.” But I didn’t, I was patient with them during this drill despite their failures/poor efforts (I love this team a lot, this is just a specific story).

This is how we are with God.

We don’t try to keep His commands and we fail often. But God’s love towards us is patient despite our short comings.

For this is love of God, that we keep His commands for they are not burdensome (1 John 5:3).

His commands were given to us that we might have true life!

I promise you God is patient and His commands are loving. Let’s keep them (John 17:3)


This trying experience was a searing moment that reminded me of How patient God is with me when I fail to keep His commands. Thank you God for being patient with me and leading me to life that is found in your beautiful commands!

Thank you for reading and supporting me!

To give: https://adventuresinmissions.servicereef.com/events/adventures-in-missions-3/jan-2024-world-race-expedition-11-months/participants/noah-weinstein