
Hey everyone, here is the monthly newsletter. I wrote a long section for those of you that want more detail and then at the end I’m putting a paraphrased newsletter for those of you that don’t like to read as much but still want the general idea of what’s happened.

My time in Thailand has been insane. God has been molding me into a new man and he has been showing me what that looks like. He has taught me to be patient by making me wait for his promises. I’ve been learning to trust him in everything and know that his plan is always better. Trials have have come against me and I have found joy in them (James 1:2) because the joy of the Lord is my strength (Nehemiah 8:10).

Israel was paired with Yada, which is one of the women’s teams. Team Israel had the privilege of leading the women with respect, love, and honor. Our ministry in Thailand looked like going to a school to teach English and love on little kids in the morning. When we got home in the evening we would split off into two teams with 4 members from Israel and 4 members from Yada. One would go to the orphanage and the other would prepare worship for that evening. We made it a point to do ministry with Yada and not be split off into our normal teams. We did this so that we could be unified as a group and be able to struggle together as the body of Christ. This was only week one and we were already seeing God move. For the second week we were told that we would be leaving the school and doing ministry at our house. We lived with our hosts and their 11 kids (9 of them were adopted). Our host asked us to dig a 4 meter hole and dig post holes for a new fence. We were doing this for the rest of the time we were there. At the end of the second week we got to go to a village that some of the adopted kids were from. Before we went to the village our host warned us that there would be a spiritual heaviness. When we got to the village almost immediately there was a change, everything felt off. We had 2 nights to stay there but only a day and a half to show Jesus to these people. The one full day we had we spent going to houses in a near by village bringing them rice and blankets. Most importantly though we brought the life that Christ offers. Every person we met we prayed blessings over them. One of the people we met we super curious about Jesus. This man was blind but was still joyful. We prayed for God to restore his sight and that his will would be done. The man didn’t receive his sight back but he did accept Jesus as his Lord and savior. We prayed over him and showed him how to let Jesus into his life. After we prayed with him, the joy of the Lord came over him and he couldn’t control himself. His smile was brighter than it had been before and the joy that he had when we got there was greater when we left. We went to many houses and a few people gave there life to Christ. There was even a man who received some healing from not being able to walk at all. Every meal was eaten in community with the people in the village. My team also had the chance to participated in the performances and did our best to share the love of Christ through that. In the village we had the opportunity to go to the village church service. It was much different than what I’ve seen before and very difficult to explain. If I could use one word to explain it I would use the word “Long” very very “LONG”. After church we left and headed back to our house. Most of the ride was very tight. About half way we stopped for dinner and grabbed McDonald’s for the first time in 3 months. We made it back to our house around 7pm. We continued with ministry a day after we got back and eventually finished up the fence post and the hole, which was mainly dug with shovels and a pickaxe. We also butchered pigs, did chores around the house, and anything else to help our hosts.

Even though we had less time in Thailand our adventures never stopped. Adventures allow us to grow closer together as a team and draw closer to God by getting out of comfort zone. One of the first things we did was go to a natural hot spring at night. We were able to relax in the hot springs and look up at the stars, admiring God’s beautiful creation. We did this many nights to relax after a long day of digging and doing ministry. Our host then told us about a sticky waterfall and offered to take us. We were very interested in what they were talking about so we went with them. We had so much fun exploring the water falls and the surrounding area. Our next adventure was traveling to a village to celebrate Christmas. Our adventures in the village consisted of us learning the culture, learning the language, and exploring nearby places. Our next adventure was after we left Chiang Dao. We headed to Chiangmai to meet up with the other teams and get ready to go to Bangkok for debrief. When we got to Chiangmai we got everyone that was wanting to go and we headed to ride elephants. My mentor, Aaron Wesley Moore, met up with us and came to ride elephants with us. The elephants were so beautiful and reminded me of how unique his creation is.

Paraphrased Newsletter

God has challenged me in many ways spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. I continually learning to trust in him with everything. Ministry has been a wide variety of things. We have done everything from doing a couple worship songs to traveling 4 hours away to a village. We have learned to rely on one another more and help carry each others burdens. We have had many new adventures together that looked like going to hot springs, exploring caves, exploring a Thai village, and riding elephant’s.

Thank y’all for reading this months newsletter. For the next month be praying for my teams unity and constant vulnerability with one another. We are traveling to South Africa on 1/1/24-1/3/24. Thank y’all for the support and prayers.