
at the beach


at the church

my team on christmas!


I haven’t done a blog in a while, so I am currently in South Africa in Heidelberg, Western Cape. Our goodbyes in Guatemala were really sad; we had to say goodbye to so many people we got close with, including a teammate, so keep them in your prayers! It’s a small little town with not too many people. We walk to the grocery store, which is about 20 minutes away. We got here a week ago, and it took us 95 hours to get here from Guatemala! We went from Guatemala to Florida, to Qatar, to Johannesburg, and then drove 18 1/2 hours to get to this town. We are staying on the campus of the church with dorm rooms and a college called Charis College. We are starting ministry tomorrow, which we can choose from activities like Vacation Bible School, kids camps, worship nights almost every night, and a revival. When the school opens back up before we leave, we might get to help teach. We have been going to the church on base, and the people are so, so sweet. Once we got here, word spread really fast, lol. Our ministry hosts are Wayne, Janice, Phil, and Tanya. God has been so steady and peaceful here in this little town.



prayer requests:

the townspeople are so bored here pray for joy in where there at and for there spirit to wake up!

also prayers for my leg for healing the neighbors dog attacked me, it’s not too bad just painful and bruising

also pray for our ministry to go well and people to get saved

I am going to be more consistent on my blogs we have wifi close by 🙂