We are leaving Vietnam to head to Cambodia tomorrow. It’s crazy how fast our time in Vietnam has went by. It’s been really cool to see the Lord move in this place, and we have continued to have some awesome ministry opportunities. We have continued to help out at the orphanage here. That is always so much fun and one of my favorite parts of the week. It is a great opportunity to love on these kids and share a glimpse of the love their Father has for them. We have continued to make friends here, and I have had some really cool opportunities to share the gospel with my new friends I’ve met on the beach or street or even our taxi drivers. We’ve also continued to help out at English Club and develop some great relationships there. This past week also had the opportunity to paint the coffee shop that provides jobs for deaf people that we previously helped out at. This was a great way to serve that amazing business and the entire community. Another way we’ve done ministry is spending a lot of time in prayer for Da Nang.

The Lord has taught me a lot about prayer while I’ve been here. We have a lot of freedom as to what exactly we want to do for ministry here. With that freedom I’ve spent a lot of time praying for the city of Da Nang, the friendships we’ve made here, our team, etc. I used to always view prayer as preparation for ministry. While it can definitely be that, the Lord is showing me how prayer can be the ministry itself. I have come to really enjoy my prayer walks through the city or on the beach here, and the Lord has shown me a lot. One of my coaches, Brian, talked about when I’m praying for the city it’s like I’m using my spiritual authority and leaving a trail of the Holy Spirit everywhere I go. This picture of leaving a trail of the Holy Spirit everywhere I go has been really powerful for me. It has allowed me to recognize my time spent in prayer is not in vain and is more powerful than I may think, even if I never get to firsthand see the fruit from it.

As we prepare to leave Vietnam to go to Cambodia, the feeling is very bittersweet. I am very grateful for the time I’ve had in Vietnam and for the friendships I have made. It is definitely going to be hard to say goodbye to this lovely country and its people. At the same time I am a ready to move on and see what Cambodia has to offer for my team and I. Please be praying for my team and I as we head to Cambodia. Pray for safe travels and that we get to our ministry location safely. Pray for a ripe harvest in Cambodia when we get there, and that we can be open vessels for the Lord to use. Also please pray for more unity within my team and that we can be known by our love for one another. Thank you guys so much for your support and prayers. I truly could not be here without you guys and cannot express how grateful I am for you guys. May the Lord bless you all!