
Blog Post 1

Greetings from the Kingdom of Eswatini, formerly known as Swaziland! I am late blogging for the first time because of some technical issues, but I am so excited to update you on all the things the Lord is doing. My squad and I have just finished our second full week here in Swaziland and our fourth week away from home. Since then, I have had so many opportunities to serve the Lord and share the gospel.

Many of you have been asking what exactly I am doing, so I will give you guys a typical week in Levia’s life here in Manzini, Eswatini. Our week starts off on Monday with our “Ask the Lord” Day. On ATL days, the entire squad drives half an hour into the city to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit. During this time, we intentionally form relationships with the locals and find opportunities to share the gospel or answer questions when we can. This is also the day that we get some errands done like grocery shopping, posting blogs, and checking emails. One example of a cool ATL experience that I have had occurred at the Mosque of Manzini. Our team set out to locate it and pray for the land and the people, but while we were there, a Muslim man called me over to talk to him. He told me he was struggling and that his mother was mentally ill, and to my surprise, he asked me to pray for him. He was clearly lost and looking for anything to solve his problems, but he had been looking in the wrong place. I have been able to talk to him again since then and pray for his family and finances.

The next big chunk of our week is dedicated to carepoint ministry. Carepoints are locations within villages that serve as a place for children to go either for preschool or an after school program. These carepoints are run and operated by our ministry hosts with Adventures in Eswatini. These carepoints serve to educate, feed, and disciple the youth of Eswatini. My role within carepoint ministry has been to play and have fun with the kids, connect with the ladies that take care of them, and TEACH PRESCHOOL!! I was selected to teach preschool in English while I am here. It has been so sweet and such a joy. The kids here are so precious and full of love. They are so patient and caring. It has been an honor to love and teach them. Another aspect of carepoint ministry has been home visits. This is an area that we haven’t gotten in the rhythm of yet, but it will become regular as time goes on.

Saturdays on the race are adventure days! We use these days to do fun things around Swaziland and connect with our team. For our most recent adventure day, we went on a sunrise hike, went to a pool, and went to a nice restaurant. One adventure day that I am looking forward to is when we go to Kruger National Park at the end of this month!

On Sundays, I attend a church across the highway with some of my squad and one of our friends from our ministry partner. We have been doing well practicing Sabbath on Sundays and resting well.

Overall this experience has been so amazing. I love this country and the people here so much! They are so kind and welcoming.  The most incredible difference from being at home in America is that there is an incredible sense of peace here. The people are peaceful, the atmosphere is peaceful, and God is so present.

I will post more soon! Love from Eswatini!