
hey! itā€™s come home month!

Iā€™m officially coming home May 25 šŸŠ

itā€™s been a while, so letā€™s catch up!

Iā€™ll be honest, I think surface level blogs are boring. thereā€™s more going on in my life than just what I physically do every day, so when I blog I try to share more intimate things, so without inspiration it becomes difficult to write!

but itā€™s officially month 9 šŸ„³ so thatā€™s a reason to write!

Change is hard, and if my flight to the states wasnā€™t already booked Iā€™d probably just choose to stay. Itā€™s such an odd feeling to fall in love with a country and its people knowing that a goodbye is already in the making. Guatemala has the kindest people, the kind of friendships that canā€™t help but to make you smile! I want to sit in the Parramos park for days, and drink a cold brew from Artista for the rest of my life.

My heart also longs to dance in Cambodia one more time.

I dream of watching one more Africa sunset.

Iā€™d do anything to walk to mosaic market and admire the flowers for just one more day.

Goodbyes arenā€™t an invitation to love any less.

I still admire the beauty of flowers on the kitchen table even though I know in a few days they will whither away.

Other feelings that come to mind are saying goodbye to a child when they move out, parents donā€™t give up on love just because one day their home will be quieter.

Jesus didnā€™t stop doing ministry because he knew one day he would no longer walk the earth, wow. This is such a complex feeling words canā€™t even come close to explaining. These are just the beginning of thoughts, I could write for hours about how blessed we are to love so deeply, so stay tuned for some more thoughts as the next few weeks go by!!!

hereā€™s some more things about me:

  1. my favorite word is maranatha. I just finished reading the Bible a few days ago and Iā€™ve been on the verge of tears for like 4 days, the weight of the gospel is transformed in my life to say the least! ā€œThe grace of the Lord Jesus be with Gods people. Amen.ā€ These words hit so hard, my longing and my prayer is Maranatha, come Lord Jesus!
  2. On a very physical note, I got sick after hiking Acatenango, because I hiked with a viral infection, and then my lymph nodes got infected from the hike. This was a rough week, another friend also had strep throat, a few people had salmonella, and another friend had food poisoning. Sometimes life on the race feels like it falls apart, and itā€™s especially difficult to miss ministry when the days left are limited. Rest is a journey that Iā€™ve been on this whole race, and something about being sick and home from ministry still feels so difficult.

This is all for now, love you allšŸ¦