
Now almost two weeks into our first country, Kenya, I can confidently testify that the Lord is moving! My team of four is currently nestled in the lush Western region, residing in Bungoma and ministering within two local villages, Chemwa and Namikelo. We are partnered with New Life Celebration Centere, a church planted in 2018, and being hosted by their lead pastor. Our primary ministry thus far has been house-to-house visits, praying over both neighbors and members of the church. In the weeks to come, we will be assisting in their teen mother and children programs, as well as preaching throughout their mid-week and Sunday services. We will also partner with a connecting ministry, Friends of Watoto (Friends of Children), that promotes and aids in providing education for children who may not have the finances otherwise. 

The conversations over homemade chai and bread have been some of the most fruitful. Simply witnessing the diversity of the Kingdom has been both personally humbling and encouraging. Their smiles radiate the room as we greet them in Swahili and their local dialect. I have truly never encountered such genuine hospitality as every family has welcomed my team enthusiastically. People are eager for prayer and carry such profound faith in their confidence in Jesus. We have also had the opportunity to speak the same authority of Jesus over them, reminding families of the Biblical truth that the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead also lives within them, Romans 8:11. Prayer requests have mostly consisted of asking for an economic breakthrough and divine healing. Families hold such a beautiful trust in the Lord, consistently preaching their joy and testimony of how the Lord has delivered them before. While it has only been one week here in Bungoma, I can say, I am honored and blessed by the community and church staff. 

Wild to think that in only a few days we will have been gone for a month in total, including our first two weeks of training in Gainesville Georgia and a week spent in Mombasa for additional cultural instruction. The Lord has remained so gentle with me, speaking truth and identity over my life every day. He has already gifted me with the opportunity to lead in Worship and this coming Sunday, I am scheduled to deliver a sermon. Throughout ministry, I have been envisioning Jesus physically beside me, holding my hand and offering a shoulder to rest on when I need it. Every morning He has spoken new mercies over me and reminded me that the joy of the Lord is my strength, He is my portion and inheritance, Psalms 16:5

Thank you Jesus

Prayer requests: 

  • Continued prayers for the families of both villages: healing, financial prosperity, and further spiritual nourishment.
  • Personal prayers: physical strength and spiritual discernment in evangelizing. 

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