
Backstory: The other day we had a fitness test. Not some pacer type you know but like a real 4 mile hike with some interesting terrain, elevation AND our large packs (only packed like 25lbs but still). After not being the most active, it wasn’t the easiest thing ever but it was a worst case scenario practice that you have to carry your pack here & there & everywhere type situation. Anyways, one of my friends wanted to challenge herself & just bring everything (props to her) she would be carrying normally (about 60 pounds worth). From the moment she got in the van with everything, I had already signed myself up (in my head) to take the weight off her when she needed. I came into the situation expectant to carry anything she needed help with. About 1/4 of the way up, she finally gave in & handed her day pack that was held on the front of her body over to me. I was joyful because she felt more free, she wasn’t struggling to keep up & she could actually enjoy the scenery rather than focusing solely on how many more steps to the top she was. I had no problem carrying anything she needed because I love her, I wanted her to experience the hike for how it was created to experience.

While hiking, carrying both my pack & her smaller backpack, the Lord spoke to me saying, “I want to carry your crap”. Yes, He used the word “crap”. He showed me all the times He sat & watched me carry around unnecessary burdens, hurt & sinful desires. He sat & watched as I did it too (like bro you could’ve told me not to bring it right?????… Well, maybe He did & I didn’t listen, that’s a whole other thing though🤪). Bottom line, He didn’t stop me. He sat, watched & thought about the fact that He was already going to adopt the crap I shouldn’t have carried around… but if I got tired, He would be there. I finally would give up because I’m tired of carrying these unnecessary burdens around & He’d be there to catch. He wants me to feel the weight come off of me, long enough to never want it back, leaving it with Him forever.

God doesn’t want to take yours or my burdens simply because He wants to carry it, NO, He wants to take them because He LOVES us. He wants us to experience life as He intended for us to experience it, with joy, freedom, redemption, all the good stuff!! Psalm 55:22 says, “Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.” He sent Jesus to the cross for that exact reason, that we wouldn’t even feel the need to carry around crap. Gosh, He’s a good God.

Welcome to this new journey of handing my crap over.

