
The Lord called me to the World Race and now I’m here! I’ve had the best two weeks of training and I’m so grateful for what the Lord has showed me so far. The First week of training week has been gut filled training. Yet, It has been absolute fruit filled. We have had amazing worship, phenomenal messages but, the best thing is hearing the Lords voice.

As you may know, I was diagnose with Chronic Pain syndrome Fall of 2021, on top of that at eight years old I was diagnosed either Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. For so long, my life has consisted of being in pain. I’ve had multiple people in my life pray over me, yet it’s never been Concrete healing. September 3, 2024 I kept hearing the Lord whispering “Healed”, I brushed it off and continued my day. I had my devotional and I heard yet again, “Healed” I took a second and asked the Lord “ What is it you are trying to tell me?” I heard him so clearly tell me “Aaliyah, I have sent you people after people, messages after messages, when will you accept my healing.” I immediately said Now Lord. I was filled with absolute peace. For the rest of my day, I felt amazing. For the first time in years my body was quiet. I didn’t feel any pain. It all honestly felt like I hot the gym for the first time, my body was only sore. Ive never been more grateful! The Lord heard me cry’s and he came running. Since then, I haven’t been in pain, my body feels great, and all I can do is praise the Lord.

The Past week, the Lord has been teacher me to hear his voice, and I must say, It easier said then done, There moment where I’m not sure if its God or me speaking. But the Lord has been so gracious to me, he has consistently let me know it’s ok to be confused. “Just settle in close and I will help you.”

This week we had the pleasure of being able to share the Gospell in Downtown Gainesville. I felt so honored to share with us who the per true God really is. I had the pleasure of meeting a sweet man from Guatemala. (For protection I will not share his full story nor will I share his name.) It was a beautiful moment to just engaged in this conversation with him. He already knew the Lord but it was still a blessing to laugh and talk! He even recommended a beautiful church to attend when we embark on our next adventure in Guatemala.

There is so much more I could and would love to share, but again I feel called to live in the moment, so I’m not sure how often I’ll update everyone. But I’m blessed to know you all are praying and caring for me and My amazing team.

Prayer Request:

That the Lord will continue to speak to me and use me as his vessel. Prayer for our last week of actual training and for our heart to be ready for domestic missions. Thank you! I love you all dearly!