Hi! I am from a small town in South Dakota, and I’m a senior in high school this year. I live on a farm and enjoy helping in the field when they need me. I have 4 sisters and am the 2nd oldest. I love being outside and doing activities with my family and friends. I decided to take a gap semester and go on a mission trip! After many phone calls and lots of praying the Lord led me to Adventures in Missions trip to South Africa and Eswatini. I am beyond excited to embark on this journey. I have a paper chain in my room counting down the days until I leave and every day I rip one off! I have always had a heart for missions. One of my highlights each summer is going on mission trips with my youth group. You always learn new things about God and your relationship with Him. I also love how close a group gets when they go on a mission trip together. There is something about a group of young believers all serving the Lord that connects you all. So, as you can see, I am beyond excited about this trip, and I’m counting down the days until I get to go. (quite literally haha) I ask for all of you who read this to pray for me as I patiently wait and do the beginning steps of this process.