
Dear Friends and Family,

I hope all is well with you! Since I last saw you, so much has happened in my life!  For one, I graduated early from high school! Yay, right? Homeschooling has allowed many opportunities for me.

This past spring semester, I went on a student mission trip to Sugarland, Texas. On this trip I got to learn about different religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Muslim. I got to learn how to talk about Jesus with them, while also getting to know what they believe and how they live.Then later that month (March 2024) I went to a Perspective Class at WoodsEdge Community Church. If you don’t know what that is, don’t worry I didn’t know either. It’s a class you take to learn about other religions to connect and talk about Jesus with them. Guess what the religion the class was learning about that night was: Muslim! I just went that one night to hear the guest speaker, but I had no clue the amount of information that was going to be shared that night. It was amazing!

A couple of weeks after the mission trip and the Perspective Class, I discovered a semester-long mission trip to Indonesia with an organization called The World Race. After the student mission trip and the opportunity to learn from the Perspective Class, I was feeling drawn to this Indonesia trip with The World Race. AND….the really cool thing about graduating early, I have an entire year before heading off to college to “be available” to say YES to what God has in store for right now.

With all that being said, I have said YES to The World Race and a 3 month semester in Indonesia, serving and loving those God puts before me.

The World Race exists to mobilize a generation of radical Christ followers, discipling and training them to establish the Kingdom of God. While on the field, I will have many different ministry opportunities ranging from Evangalising to Teaching English to Children’s Camp (VBS) and many more. I am confident that the Lord is going to work in us and through us. I am so excited for this opportunity to learn more about the Father and to bring Kingdom to the places we will be.

To go on the World Race, I need you! I have full confidence and assurance in the Lord, knowing that as I walk in faith of where He is calling me, He will also provide everything I need. Through this trust, I am developing a team of partners who are willing to walk alongside me through this process.

I would love to ask you to pray about partnering with me and joining my financial support team. In doing this, not only would you be partnering with me, but you would be partnering with the Father in the calling of bringing Kingdom to some of the most unreached places in the world. I need to raise $7,295 by August 12th,2024, but my first benchmark is $1,823 or 25% by June 28th, 2024. I also need prayer support. Those that would pray for the following:  (1.)For anyone we come in contact with this trip to feel and see the hands and feet of God through our team. (2.) That everyone on this trip will be aware of God’s plath for our time there. (3.)  For safety and health while we are over there. I would be so honored to partner with you during this trip. You can also follow along with my blog (link below). I will be posting updates on support raising and will also be posting while on the field in Indonesia. If you want to come alongside me and support me financially here’s the link: Let’s go to Indonesia . Thank you for your support through prayer and finance. It truly means so much to sow God’s Kingdom with you. This is an incredible opportunity for me and I would be honored to partner with you through this journey.

Thanks for your time and may God bless you.

Berhanesh Portilla

[email protected]

(281) 907-1919

Blog:   Berhanesh’s blog

*Adventures In Missions is a tax-exempt organization under IRS code 501(c)(3) and is a member of the ECFA. (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability). Due to IRS and ECFA regulations governing the administration of tax deductible donations given in support of a particular trip/program, support contributions given on behalf of an individual will be used to offset the costs of the trip/program you are involved in. All contributions are non-refundable and non-transferable regardless of the participant’s success in completing the program.