I’m sitting here on the railing of our house in Nepal and I have a view of our little street. As I’m sitting here just praying and singing there is this dog. This dog has just been waiting outside for their owner to be let in. It’s not really barking but it’s checking everyone who walks by to see could this possibly be my owner even though it knows it’s not. Finally it sees its owner from far away walking towards him. He comes running full speed to its owner jumping up and down so excited to see its owner and be let in. Its owner by no surprise, just keeps walking and lets the dog in. I think how often it is the Lord sees this way about us. Ecstatic to see us and we often just keep walking. He is so much worthy than just a “thanks God”. He is so much more worthy than us just stopping for a second when we are drowning to call upon him. He is worthy of our everything. And even when we call upon Him, He is there. Every single time. Do we realize how much His love is for us? The creator of the world loves you. Wow. Everytime we come running back to Him, bloody and messed up, He is there. Excited and jumping up and down. I pray that we would all stop and give Him what He’s worth. I pray that you would see how ecstatic He is to see YOU! If it’s been years, months, weeks, or even days that you’ve left Him and tried to do it yourself I hope you come back to Him and see that He is running full force towards you! Ready to love you and consume you!!!!!
(This started just as a journal entry, but as I was typing the Lord told me to share it. With that being said excuse the grammar in advance.) love you all and please if you ever need prayer for something, reach out!