
In the last month, home has been my room in Texas, home has been a sleeping bag on a floor in Georgia every night, and it’s been my small bunk which is a little under 2 feet top to bottom in Colombia. The longest I’ve ever been away from home in Texas with my family before has been two weeks, and now I’m about a month in and won’t see anybody again until the very end of April. But honestly, anywhere I go with God has begun to feel like home, which reminds me that this Earth is only a temporary one. I have an eternal home in Heaven with Jesus, and with all my fellow believers in Christ(to the group of German missionaries staying with us: if I don’t see you guys after this, see y’all in Heaven).

“For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come.” – Hebrews 13:14

Although I miss my family and hot showers, I wouldn’t say I’m homesick at all. Home is where joy and love and warm fuzzies are, and I’ve definitely found that here. Joy is all the girls singing songs to ourselves laughing at accidental harmonies as we walk up the stairs. Love is Ellie buying me a jar of peanut butter(I love peanut butter and that was hard to find in Colombia). Home is a sweet “I love you” exchanged as Jada and I brush our teeth next to each other in the sink we share with everyone. To be here with my new family, D-squad, is to be known fully, not just because we’re around each other 24/7, but also because we know each other by our steadfast faith in Jesus. I know I wouldn’t be here without placing my complete trust in the Lord, and I know it’s the same for everyone else on the squad. It is such a blessing to be entirely known by my faith and to wear Jesus every day in Colombia alongside these incredible people. D-squad, I wouldn’t want to live out of backpacks with any other group of people. Also, we fit 16 people in a 7 passenger van on the way to ministry, so if we weren’t close with each other before, we sure are now!

Here’s to abandonment,

Camille Curtis