
Hey Friends!

For the past three summers, I have attended Bigstuf Camp in Panama City Beach as a member of the Walk. This June was no different, but I have some good news before I share about camp!

I am officially 68% funded for the World Race! God has blessed me with tons of generous friends and family members who have donated and prayed for God to provide! I ask that you all continue to pray that my correspondence with partners helps me meet my fundraising goal and encourages them to be inspired to share the Gospel in their communities! Also, we can thank God for how He moved in my peers’ lives this past week at Bigstuf!

The theme for Bigstuf this year was Homecoming. Now, the word “home” means a lot of things for a lot of different people and raises a lot of questions: Where is home? Who is home? Do you even have one? The good news is, whatever “home” looks like for you—regardless of the dysfunction or the quality—there is an even better one. “Home” is more than meets the eye.

Many set up residence in what we have, what we do, or what people say about us. The issue with building a home on those foundations is that they are quickly subject to change: a house fire can destroy a designer shoe collection, an abrupt debilitating accident can terminate an athletic career, and just as quickly, a reputation can crumble with a single sentence.

So where is home meant to be? As humans created in the image of God and designed for a relationship with Him, our home is with our creator. Almighty God, who created the earth with His breath, made His home among us—not because we were deserving (because we definitely aren’t), but because He loved us enough to send His son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins.

We have the keys to this secure home because God, as our manufacturer and purchaser, gets to define what we are. He lovingly made us and sent His son to die to redeem us, so He alone has the authority to say “Beloved, you are worthy. Come home.”

God making His home with us gives us real hope and true joy. God does not care why we came home; He just wants His children home, so they can experience rest in Him.

I am so excited to tell you all that two of the girls I lead and h

undreds of other teens at Bigstuf decided for the first time in their lives that they want to come home to the Father! I had the privilege of watching God personally encounter these two girls over the week, and their response was amazing. They recognize their need for a savior and they desire to have a relationship with their creator and redeemer!

Thank you so much for your faithfulness to my journey and for all the prayers and support!


Grace & Peace,

Maggie Claire Richardson

Me (middle) with the two girls!

Homecoming by Bethel Music was a song we sang to reinforce the Gospel truth!