It’s crazy to think that we only have two weeks left-17 days- until we are back on American soil. This time away has seemed so long yet so short. I would usually tell you about the adventures during my missionary work, but instead today I would like to tell you about the growth of my connection to God that has happened through this trip.
I had just graduated high school this year and I was planning on joining the U.S. Air Force. I needed some kind of direction in my life and it was a good thing to say when people would pop the question: “what are you gonna do with your life now?” As a kid, I always dreamed about what I wanted to be when I was older, but now that I actually came to the point in my life where I needed to make that decision- it was nerve wrecking. I had no idea what I wanted. No idea where I needed to be or where I should be. I spent my summer trying to figure it out until my parents came to me telling me that I needed some kind of plan. I remember my mom mentioning the World Race- I had pushed the thought away in the past, but this time I decided to research it. On a rash decision I applied to a 3 month trip to Indonesia without telling anyone. This trip was perfect, the timing fit well with when my boyfriend was planning on leaving for the military and the trip ended in time for me to see his graduation. Then the Indonesia trip got cancelled and I was offered a spot to Central America- timing still worked out so I said yes. But then my boyfriend left sooner and then our return date was later than we thought. There was times where I wanted to call it a quits because I didn’t want to miss his military graduation. I am so profoundly grateful that I didn’t. Within these three months, our Lord Jesus Christ, has put a miraculous healing in my heart and revealed to me His plans for my life. God has made it so clear to me how I must always put him first among everything in my life and never had I been more clear about what I wish to do in my life. God has broken down so many barriers that blocked my full connection to him and he’s not done yet. That’s the best part really: He’s not done yet. Only getting started. Within these past three months I have read the bible that I’ve had since 2017 more than within the years I left it on my desk to collect dust. I find myself yearning for reading my bible. To know more. So much that I already ordered two new bibles for me to reread and study again with new eyes when I get back home. When in the past, I would turn to my own understanding for guidance, I instead now turn to God for wisdom. I find myself being able to break down in prayer and feel comfort in knowing that my father in Heaven hears my words. And I have been truly blessed with those I am surrounded by- any questions I may have or concerns I may bring will be discussed in such a loving and insightful way. There are times when I am brought down in sorrow, but I take joy within that sorrow for I am not alone within it. It is truly an overpowering sensation to know that in those moments, Jesus is with you always and walks through every step with you.
I’ll be home soon. Love you all.