
Step one: begin with an abundance of prayer.

Step two: give them lots of real life examples of what the mission field might look like (ex: create a fake street market and have them navigate it) 

Step three: have daily time with God, worship daily, read scripture often, teach them about Jesus daily

Step four: make room for lots of team debriefs after each training session 

Step five: make them hike a mountain (at least one person has to fall… I will let you guess who it was on my squad) 

Step six: make sure they are ready to share the gospel among the nations

Step seven: send them! 


Training camp was full of fun, laughs, friends and most of all Jesus! We are ready to hit the ground running in Guatemala! My team, team Happy Feet, sure are ready to carry the Gospel and make Jesus know! 

Part of training camp is making sure you are in line with God before getting on the field, and boy does the Holy Spirit reveal a lot about who you are and who God is while at training. In just two weeks the Lord has done some real deep digging with me. One thing that the Lord has really revealed to me is that He is actively preparing my soil for strong roots to grow. The Lord is so sweet. Glory be to God for His goodness and sweet, sweet salvation that is a free gift. Praise God for the Holy Spirit and the way He works in, around, and through His children. 


After being taught a lot about different cultures, and sharing the gospel in those cultures my squad and I are ready to go! We trust that the Lord will continue to equip us day by day while on the field and will do great and mighty things while we are gone. Please continue to pray for daily protection and safe travels.