
Hello Friends and Family,

I am 10 days away from leaving for 9 months, and wow, do I have all the feelings right now. I’m super excited about all the new and fun experiences coming my way, but I’m also anxious about stepping into something new. I still have some prep to do, including making sure I have everything I need and then packing and trying to fit everything into my backpack—like my tent, sleeping bag, clothes, toiletries, and other miscellaneous items. I also need to bid farewell to many of you in person before I leave, which is very bittersweet.

On a positive note, I have good news to share! I am officially 100% funded!! Thank you, God, for your provision. He is so good and provided all the money I needed right before I left. This funding helps cover all my flights and transportation, insurance, food, housing, and training. The fundraising process was such a humbling experience. While it can be easy to over-spiritualize and assume that money will just show up, I learned that God provides but also calls us to do the work for His good. Because of this, I had a successful BUNCO fundraiser and was able to raise $1,000 (photo attached from that event). I also reached new people through suggestions I never would have thought of on my own. Through this experience, I grew in many skills, including communication, confidence, and resilience. A huge thanks to Beth Pilcher for being my accountability partner and mentor throughout it all, and a big thank you to all of YOU who have supported my journey. I’m so grateful to each and every one of you for helping me reach my goal.

I’m excited to share with you all what God does throughout this adventure. Thank you for all your prayers, and please pray for safe travels as I get ready to leave on August 30th at 4:00 a.m.!

Blessings to you all,

Mollie Stutzman

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