“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” Ephesians 2:10
K-Squad made it to Guatemala! And so did all our luggage, thank you God! After a long night in the airport and a 4 hour flight, we landed in Guatemala City. We were then picked up by Adventures Guatemala staff and taken to their beautiful base just outside of Parramos. We are all so beyond excited to be here and Guatemala has already captured our hearts!
The first few days has been adjusting to life on the base, learning the culture and experiencing chicken buses! Chicken buses are one of the local transportation’s here; essentially it’s a school bus that packs people in like chickens! Sometimes you are standing and hanging on for dear life, other times your sitting on your friends lap and other times your sitting 6 people in a row with some in the aisle. But it’s definitely never boring, as people get on and off there is so much shuffling and moving around, in a 45 min bus ride you may be sitting, then standing, then sitting in the aisle then back to standing. I’ve been constantly wondering how someone will get through with this many people in the aisle, but they always manage to find the space.
On Thursday we had an activation day. For activation we have a teaching from a staff member and then in the afternoon we put it into practice. This week we talked about identity and agreeing with the truth God says over us. Jesus is the truth and knowing what is true and focusing on that allows you to call out the lies that have been placed over your life. It was a good reminder that what God says is my identity and nothing else. We then had a time of reading Ephesians 1-3 and focusing on who God is and who we are in Him. He is intentional, He is working, He is loving, merciful and gracious, He is my peace, He is my foundation. I am chosen, I am His, I am redeemed and forgiven, I am free and confident, I am fulfilled, I am His dwelling place.
That afternoon, our teams went out to Parramos for ATL (Ask The Lord). We prayed and asked God how He wanted to work through us to minister to people. My group talked to someone people in the square; practicing our Spanish and praying over them if they were willing. We ended up at a small diner not far from the square and met 3 sweet ladies. 2 of them were working there and didn’t speak any English, but one of the customers had previously taught missionaries English. We were able to have a conversation with her about Guatemala, her family and her work at a local church. She also was able to translate to the other 2 ladies so we could get to know them as well. We were able to learn more Spanish with her, talked to them and had coffee with them for over an hour. We ended up praying for them, their families and the business. It was so sweet that despite the awkwardness of the language barrier we were able to connect through our mutual love of Jesus.
Friday was our first day of ministry with our care point. Team Rivers will be serving with Hope Ministries in San Antonio for the next 2 months. They are such a sweet orginization that began as a place to worship God and over time has become a ministry that is dedicated to serving the community and sharing Jesus’ love. Hope Ministries runs an English class, worship times, men and women’s bible study, VBS for kids and soccer programs. Our team will get to help with all their programs as well as doing house visits in the town and helping clean their property.
In the morning we got a tour of the town; saw the market and the square and learned about their orginization. We then had a lunch break and durning that time our host likes to walk the stairs as training for hiking up a volcano. Rose, Ella and I decided to join her and some of the other Hope Ministries staff. The view at the top was well worth all the stairs.
After the stairs we met the rest of our group at a coffee shop called The Rivers Coffee Cafe (God knew what He was doing placing our team with this ministry!) We then headed back to the ministry and spent the afternoon playing soccer with the kids. It is a very good thing my identity is in Jesus and not my soccer skills! I am so excited for all the opportunities I will have to work with this beautiful ministry and all the people in the community. Christ is working so evidently through this ministry and it is an honour to come alongside them!
Thank you to everyone supporting me and continuing to read these blogs, I am so grateful for the love! Please be praying for my squad as we live life here in Guatemala; for safety, opportunity to share the Good New of Jesus, grow in relationship with God and each other, and especially for all the ministries we get to be apart of! God is transforming Guatemala into a nation of missionaries and I am so grateful to get the chance to see all He is doing in the land of eternal spring!
Happy Thanksgiving Canada, I miss you!