Week One

On day one of camp, I met the people that I’ll be living with for the next three months. I moved everything into my tent and set up my bed- a sleeping pad and sleeping bag. Living out of my big-pack was surprisingly easy too. The next day, we started training. It consisted of worship and seminars. The overall message was this:
“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete” (John 15:9-11).
Jesus doesn’t want us to be simply religious. He wants us to develop a relationship with Him. God was reminding me all throughout camp that His love for me is so deep and that He loves me no matter what I do. I don’t have to earn it or work for it. GOD IS SO GOOD!
Sabbath rest
We took our Sabbath rest from sundown Saturday night to sundown Sunday night. It was the best day of training camp! I called my family, and then went to breakfast. I sat under a tree and read my Bible for a few hours, I watched reels on my phone for a while, and then went back to reading my Bible. It was awesome!
Week Two

Monday morning, our leaders told us to pack up all of our stuff-sleeping supplies, big pack, day pack, etc. We were running through a training scenario. In our scenario, half of our stuff was taken and I ended up sleeping in a hammock outside.
Tuesday was evangelism day. The squad went into different parks and prayed over people. Three of my teammates and I prayed over a couple. After praying we walked away. Later, another girl went up to them and asked them how they were feeling and the guy said he has never felt seen before in his life, but when we prayed for him he felt like he mattered. During the last 2 days of camp, we backpacked mount Yonah, had Squad wars, and baptized 7 of our teammates!

Travel Day!!!
And now it’s finally Friday! Training camp is over and we’re flying out to Nicaragua! Two weeks in training camp, quickly taught me what it means to die to myself. By saying yes to God’s call (saying yes to the world race), I’ve given up my life back home and signed up for so many challenges. Despite that, God has continued to show me His love and reveal more of Himself to me. Thankyou everyone for all of your support and prayers! I love you all <3