
Hi friends and family! I am back on US soil and have been for just a couple of weeks. It’s definitely been bittersweet being back – I miss my squad and the life I was living these 11 months, but it’s also so nice to see family and friends that I’ve missed. I’ll dive more into this on another blog…. Also, I know I was slacking on posting blogs while on the field, so look out for my blogs from Nepal and South Asia coming soon too!

So….what IS next for me?

I am so excited to announce that I have accepted a position at Adventures in Missions as a World Race Intern! In just one week (crazy, I know), I will be packing up my car and moving down to Gainesville, Georgia! This internship is an opportunity for me to come alongside the staff in equipping and mobilizing missionaries to go out on the field. AIM’s desire and purpose is to train up this generation of missionaries to go out to the nations, preach the Gospel, and disciple followers to live a Kingdom life. THAT is a mission I can get behind! I am beyond thrilled to step into this season of learning and growing by mobilizing missionaries and furthering the Kingdom overseas and in the local Body!

I know the Lord has called me into full time ministry, and this internship is an incredible opportunity to gain experience working with a sending organization. I cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for me this year and even after the internship! I have a deep desire to not only spread the Gospel to all nations, but to also build up the local church to be part of this movement in a new way. WHO’S READY FOR REVIVAL?!!

My experience on the World Race has completely changed my life – living in an upside-down Kingdom will do that to ya! I can’t wait to share more about how this year has changed me so much in the weeks to come.


Though I know ministry is the calling to Lord has given me, and I am stoked to walk in it, that doesn’t mean it’s easy. The word the Lord had spoken to me before I left for the World Race was dependence. I learned what it means to truly depend on God – surrendering everything to Him and His Way and trusting that He is good and will provide. Learning to depend on God wasn’t just a lesson for those 11 months but will continue throughout my life, including this next season when I will be raising financial support. Ministry is never done alone – it is truly a picture of the Body of Christ. During my 11 months on the field, I got to see more of what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus – boots on the ground, serving others. This next season, I feel like the Lord is going to be showing me how to walk out as a different part of the Body by mobilizing those hands and feet to the nations. But, to walk in that, I need a team of partners in this ministry that I feel called to. If you’re interested and feel led to partner with me financially monthly, I’d love to talk more with you about how that is also walking as another part of the Body! The hands and feet can’t move overseas if the rest of the Body isn’t helping! What a privilege to get to be part of the spreading of the Gospel in unreached nations!

Please prayerfully consider partnering with me and AIM in this ministry! I’d love to connect and talk more! Feel free to reach out to me by email at [email protected] or text me at 913-231-7650!

You can also click “Support” up at the top or use this link to get to my page to give! https://adventuresinmissions.servicereef.com/events/adventures-in-missions-3/affiliated-missionary/participants/emily-pope


Like I said, I should be posting more blogs soon about the last two countries I served in, coming home, and what I’ve learned throughout this experience! It might be a little while to get to all of them though…. I will be moving August 22nd but then over 200 new missionaries will be moving on campus on the 31st for training before they launch to the field! CRAZY! PRAISE GOD!

I’m so thankful for all your prayers and support over the last year and hope to continue getting to do ministry together!



** ALSO, if you’re in the Spring Hill, KS area and free tonight, come by Grace Community Church at 7pm to hear some stories!!