


You may remember, last year the first country I went to while on The World Race was Guatemala, also a country I had previously travelled to on my first ever mission trip in 2018. The Lord has made it abundantly clear of the next step to walk in. The dream I have carried the last few years, and partly gave excuses from pursuing, is finally happening and I now get to live it out being a full time missionary in one of my most favorite countries, GUATEMALA!

I am so excited to share more about this yes to God! To share both the excitement and reality of what going overseas full time looks like and the vision that God has given me. I can’t wait for all that the Lord will teach me as I am raised up by local missionaries to one day lead in my calling!

The best is yet to come!

And YOU are invited to be a part of this with me! Here are a few ways you can partner with me and join God in how He is working in Guatemala!

PRAY. Please pray for me in this transition. I am currently working through a lot of logistical things and soaking in my time at home as best as I can! Pray for wisdom, humility, and boldness as I prepare to move.

DONATE. God will provide. He’s done it every time and He will do it again, but His provision comes through His people. I am in need this time of monthly partners. If this is something you would be willing to pray about, reach out to me and I can set up a time to call or meet with you to share more information about why I want to be a full time missionary in Guatemala. If you are ready to donate or partner with me right now you can visit www.worldoutreach.org/999 to give online or message me for alternative giving methods.

CONNECT. If you know of anyone who may want to support missions, and be a part of joining God in the work He is allowing me to be a part of in Guatemala, I would love to connect with them!

HOST. As scripture says, we are to “recount the deeds of the Lord”. I would love to testify of the ways God worked both in me and through me this past year on The World Race. If you are interested in hosting a gathering where I could share about what the Lord has done and what is next to come, reach out to me, I would be honored to testify!

I will soon be switching over to another platform to send out monthly newsletters in the future so you should receive a similar email through that platform. If you decide that you no longer want to follow these updates, simply unsubscribe to the following email. I hope that you have enjoyed being a part of this adventure though, it has been an honor to have you as part of the team!

For those who followed me on my World Race journey, supported me financially, or covered me in prayer, THANK YOU. Over the last two weeks of being home I have been filled with much encouragement from those saying they were following my journey or actively praying for me. This has truly been a blessing to know that I have an army of people pursuing this mission WITH ME. Thank you!

Lastly, I have a new home office for financial support. As stated previously, to donate online please visit www.worldoutreach.org/999 as this will be where all my donations going forward will be held. Praise the Lord! Thank you again for being a part of The Great Commission!

With much love,

Ashley Dusek

Psalm 27:4