
Hello from Africa! I am currently in Eswatini, a small country inside of South Africa. Here is what ministry for me looks like this month! (I also have limited wifi access here in this country) I am writing this on Monday, April 29th, 2024 and here is a recap from the last 3 weeks of ministry!

Monday: We live on a homestead outside of a city and drive into town on Monday’s for ATL (ask the Lord ministry) which can look like evangelism, prayer walks, and public worship. After ATL we go to the grocery store to cook all our meals for the week back at the homestead.


Tuesday-Friday: We go to a bush village care-point 2 hours away via car ride. At this care-point we get to minister to 200 kids aging from elementary to high-school. We get to teach them the gospel, pray for them, play with them and love them, and help feed them.


I get to preach and teach the gospel at the care-point. My first message was about the compassion of God through Jesus Christ, my second was about the grace of God. Here are links to my teachings!

Compassion of God teaching: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19s5_cELBhnzKa_2LixGrc22JeIegmRlw/view?usp=sharing

Grace of God teaching: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JTPnB_MqC0Mznuk1hY8niOiH2Vu4_6rO/view?usp=sharing

(to listen to my teachings you must copy and paste this link to access the file, apologies)

At ministry we also get to share devotionals with the staff every morning to encourage them. Occasionally we also do prayer walks and house visits in the village.
So far our ministry at the care-point village has been hard. We preach the gospel every week, pray for them often, show them the love and character of Jesus but don’t see huge impact. But we are trusting the Holy Spirit that when we share Jesus the seed sown will be incorruptible and will bear fruit! (Isaiah 55:11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.)

God has been burning my heart for some of the kids at this village and I’m getting to closely disciple them and help raise them in Christ by giving devotionals to the small group leaders in high-school.

  • I’ve also been invited to a local church called christ revealed international ministries were I got invited to peach and encourage the church with Luke 11 and prayer for the saints! 


Pray for us as we continue to share the gospel with this village! We know God will bear fruit in their lives!

I am so thankful for all my supporters and especially those who pray for me! I will be sharing more about what God has been doing in my heart here in Eswatini soon! To give : https://adventuresinmissions.servicereef.com/events/adventures-in-missions-3/jan-2024-world-race-expedition-11-months/participants/noah-weinstein

(to give you must copy and paste to follow the link, apologies)