
Inspired Studies (Questions)

Episode 1 & 2: Who is God and How Do We Get to Know Him?


The purpose of this page is to provide questions that inspire you to do your own study on the topic from the study notes of the given episode. Each day (or at your own pace), you can go through a section of the study notes and answer the questions that match that section to assist you in your own personal study. I hope you enjoy and if you have any questions, please feel free to share them with me.


Day 1: The Turning Point of a Christian Walk

  1. What is the difference between knowing about something and knowing it?
  2. Why wouldn’t you take risks on something that you don’t know?
  3. Why is it significant that we get to know who God is and not just learn about Him?
  4. Read Matthew 7:21-23. What emotions/feelings does this verse evoke in you?


Day 2: How Do We Get to Know About God?

  1. How is our relationship with God like the relationship we have with others? How is it different?
  2. How does the knowledge of God wanting a relationship with you bring your comfort or peace?
  3. Out of the three primary ways that we can learn about who God is, which one do you feel you do the most? Which one do you do the least?
  4. How can being active in each of those primary ways draw you closer to God?


Day 3: What Does the Word Say About God?

  1. How does the Torah (the first five books of the Bible) convey the character of God?
  2. What names from the list were you not aware of/didn’t know were affiliated with God?
  3. Out of all of the names listed, which name appears to stick out to you the most? Why?
  4. What name of God do you need to meditate on and remember regarding who God is?


Day 4: Why is It Important That We Know Who God Is?

  1. Why would we not be willing to make God the Ruler of our lives if we don’t have a relationship with Him?
  2. What does it mean to have an inherited faith? Evaluate your own faith and ask yourself, where does my faith come from? Is it founded upon your own belief or that of another?
  3. What can be the dangers of having an inherited faith? Why is it important that we have our own belief in and relationship with God?I hope you have enjoyed the study questions that have been provided and hope that it inspires you to dig deeper within your own relationship with God. If you would like additional resources that can help you with your relationship with God and study further on the importance of knowing God, feel free to check out these resources below. Stay inspired!


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