

The other day during ATL, my squad and I came across four little boys who asked us for some bread. No one had any food with them so one of our team leaders prayed over the four boys.

 While she was praying I heard the Holy Spirit say “feed my children”. I pulled Sdumo, our local missionary guide, to the side and asked him if we could take the four boys to the food court we usually have lunch at on Mondays. Sdumo said that would be great because he could tell that they were actually very hungry. Our squad took them to the food court and as we were standing to get waffles Caroine suggested that we get them burgers instead. We asked them if they would prefer that instead, and their eyes lit up!

Sdumo, Caroline, and I took the boys over to the burger shop and I was able to buy each boy a full size burger, fries, and drink, and some chicken tenders for my team so we could eat with them. 

When their food came out, the boys got so excited, their eyes were like saucers and they looked at each other like they just stuck gold. We found out while we were eating with them that this was the first time they had ever eaten a meal like this. They had never had a burger and fries before. Sdumo told us that it was likely that they probably do not eat much meat and they probably have never eaten at a restaurant like the one we were at. 

We also found out that they go to a different Care Point in Manzini. A couple people on the squad went to the grocery store across the parking lot and got each boy a loaf of bread and some bananas to take home. After they finished their meals in about five minutes, Tanner took them to get some ice cream.

The boys had a blast and left with full tummies! Sdumo said that this was the first time and probably the last time for a long time that they would have a burger, and that today would be a day that they would remember for the rest of their lives. I am so incredibly thankful to those you have invested financially into my ministry who made it possible for this moment to happen. 

Later that day, Caroline and I ran into another group of three kids that were walking around trying to find some spare food. We were able to run to the grocery store real fast and get them some bread to take home and some snacks. 

Impromptu moments like this are all designed by the Lord. These moments are not just an accident or chance, but the Lord working all things together for His glory. A lot goes into moments like this. Thank you for being a piece of this magnificent puzzle the Lord is putting together. Your financial support and prayers keeps this puzzle going!